Don't let uncertainty hold you back.

Secure Your Blueprint For A Longer, Healthier & Wealthier Life

Ready to invest in your well-being?

Grab your copy of "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" now and pave the way for a purpose-filled life

Ever felt that yearning for a life filled with meaning and purpose? Sometimes the cards life deals you takes you to the crossroads of life, uncertain about your next steps. Whether you're a Christian, entrepreneur, college student, athlete, or someone at the crossroads of retirement, imagine having a guide that not only helps you align your daily actions with your purpose but also sets you on a path to unparalleled success.

Meet "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" – a game-changing book crafted just for someone like you. Someone seeking clarity during times of transition, direction when you feel a little lost, and fulfillment when your situation just isn’t adding up to your expectations.

Here's Why You Need The Book

Imagine waking up every day, knowing your actions align with your true purpose. Think of how it will feel going to bed every night full of anticipation because of what you’ll have the chance to do the next day. This is your chance to finally find out who you are. "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" is your ticket to a life of confidence, clarity, and unprecedented success.

Here's what most people do. They ignore that feeling that they’re destined for something greater. They keep pushing off their pursuit of purpose for a later date. Until they find themselves facing regret for not pursuing to fill that empty feeling that was always in the back of their mind. Even worse, they miss out on their chance of living a life full of fulfillment, meaning, and legacy. It's a tough pill to swallow, and I don't want that for you.

What's Stopping You?

Let's break free from the belief that discovering your purpose is some unattainable dream. That it’s only for the lucky ones! Dive into the benefits of living a purpose-driven life, and conquer that fear of transitioning to a life aligned with your true calling.

Don't let the opportunity for a purpose-driven, fulfilling life pass you by. Unlock your potential and transform your career with "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" today.

Ready to discover your purpose?

Here's A Sneak Peak Of

What You'll Get Inside This Book

Grab your copy of "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" now and pave the way for a purpose-filled life

- An easy way to discover if you’re using your mind as an asset or a liability. This means you can easily transform your mind into a powerful asset for a life of success and fulfillment and finally unlock the key to enhanced productivity and sharper decision-making.

- Unlock the three reasons why everyone in the world has a purpose and gain a profound sense of direction. Learn the secrets to fostering connections with others and contributing positively to the world around you.

- Discover the 6 resources and 13 tools everyone is supposed to use to activate their purpose. This makes the journey to active purpose accessible to anyone and ensures a life filled with purpose, health, and wealth.

- Unveil the three forbidden uses that prevent you from living the life you were destined to live. This framework will break self-imposed limitations, propel you towards the life you were destined to live and foster personal growth and fulfillment.

- Learn the ONE reason why we all were brought here to this Earth! It’s like having a literal blueprint towards a purposeful life so you can lead a more focused, committed, and meaningful existence.

- Unlock the three types of order we can provide to the world through our purpose. After learning this you’ll contribute meaningfully to the world and add depth and significance to your life's journey.

- Discover 13 shocking statistics about your life’s purpose that will force you to seek yours TODAY. Finally have the motivation to pursue your life’s purpose so you can live a life filled with fulfillment and satisfaction.

- You’ll learn how to easily identify the three pathways to your life’s purpose and streamline the journey to your destiny. Stop waiting to empower yourself to progress confidently towards a life filled with purpose and success.

- You'll be able to use the three keys of your passions so you can finally align your actions with your deepest desires. This is the smooth path to enjoy a harmonious and stress-free life.

- Learn the 5 F’s that all your life’s goals should fit into, and you’ll be able to prioritize objectives that resonate with your values and walk a more holistic and rewarding journey.

- This book will show you how to find your life’s true purpose. Increase your overall life satisfaction AND unlock a fulfilling and meaningful existence that leads to a healthier, wealthier, and more purposeful life.

- Dissect the 3P formula that shows you step-by-step how to reveal your purpose. Have a clear and simple blueprint to reveal your life’s destiny so you’re guaranteed to live without the regret of unfilled dreams and ideals.

- Reveal the easiest way to find your life’s calling, your unique value, and God given gifts. You’ll have a roadmap for personal and spiritual growth that guides you to align your actions with your divine purpose.

- Use The Filter exercise that will give you the confidence you need to be sure the purpose you reveal is God given. Take advantage of a self-assurance mechanism that ensures your purpose is genuinely aligned with your values and aspirations.

- How to use The Purpose Equation to find the people you were born to serve. Receive a strategic approach to discovering the individuals you are meant to impact. Raise the social impact of your purpose and creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Meet The Author...

Jaye Purpose

Jaye Purpose, a seasoned Career Transition Strategist and the visionary mind behind "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier," is on a mission to guide individuals through the intricate journey of revealing their life's purpose and embracing work that truly matters.

A Purpose-Driven Strategist

Jaye is a devoted father of two daughters, a loving husband of 12 years, and a former active-duty firefighter with a decade-long service in the United States Air Force. His passion lies in helping those navigating career transitions unlock the secrets to their life’s purpose and seamlessly transition into their life's work. Using his proprietary D3 methodology, Jaye empowers individuals to explore career options aligned with their authentic selves.

A Purpose for Every Path

Jaye is a devoted father of two daughters, a loving husband of 12 years, and a former active-duty firefighter with a decade-long service in the United States Air Force. His passion lies in helping those navigating career transitions unlock the secrets to their life’s purpose and seamlessly transition into their life's work. Using his proprietary D3 methodology, Jaye empowers individuals to explore career options aligned with their authentic selves.

A Purposeful Revolution

Jaye's current goals reflect his commitment to impact lives and organizations:

- Aiming to guide over 200 individuals to the revelation of their life’s purpose, unlocking life's work, heightened longevity, and improved health, with a targeted 70% increase in life satisfaction.

- Striving to consult with over 100 businesses on creating purpose-centered cultures, anticipating a 70% reported increase in annual revenue and a 100% boost in workplace satisfaction.

When you want to live longer, healthier, and wealthier don't mess around with anyone but the best at purpose driven living. Jaye Purpose is not just an author; he is a purpose-driven catalyst, guiding individuals and businesses towards a future filled with meaning, fulfillment, and lasting impact.

Here's Who This Book Is Perfect For

- Corporate executives who are feeling empty at work and considering pursuing a career transition

- Christians wanting to align their daily actions with God's purpose for their lives

- Entrepreneurs wanting to align their niche with their purpose

- College students who want to align their major with their life's purpose

- Frustrated employed who want to live a more fulfilled life

- New Empty nesters who are seeking direction

- New retirees who want to go into their next phase of life with meaning and fulfillment

- People joining the military who want to pursue a career aligned with their purpose

- Collegiate & Professional athletes who want to leave the sport with a sense of purpose and clear identity outside of their sport

- Servicemembers separating from the military who want to leave with a sense of purpose and transition to a career or business aligned with their destiny

Clearing the Path to Purpose:

Answers To All Your Questions!

Here's a few of the questions we often hear around The Purpose Pad Community

What is the main message of the book?

The book, "How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier," is a transformative guide that helps individuals uncover their life's purpose, providing actionable steps to align daily actions with meaningful goals.

Who is the author, and what qualifies them to write about this topic?

The author is Jaye Purpose. As a University of Arizona graduate, Jaye has spent countless hours in research culminating empirical evidence from hundreds of peer-reviewed articles in various academic journals into a single framework. He has also spent ample time learning from experts in the field such as Michigan University professor Victor Strechor. In Jaye’s work, he emphasizes that he does not have all the answers, but has does have several that are based upon sound empirical evidence and personal experience, making him a credible guide on this transformative journey.

How will this book benefit me personally?

By reading this book, you'll gain practical tools to align your daily actions with your purpose, find clarity in your life's direction, and experience unprecedented fulfillment, success, and meaning in your personal and professional life.

Is the content suitable for a specific audience or demographic?

"How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" is designed for a diverse audience, including corporate executives, entrepreneurs, students, retirees, and individuals seeking a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

What sets this book apart from others in the same genre?

This book stands out by providing a comprehensive framework, incorporating faith, practical steps, and real-life examples to guide readers on a holistic journey towards purpose-driven living.

How practical and actionable is the information in the book?

"How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Wealthier" is highly practical, offering step-by-step guidance, exercises, and real-world strategies to ensure readers can immediately apply the principles in their lives.

How can I access the book (formats available, delivery methods)?

The book is available in hardback, paperback, eBook, audiobook.

**Hardcover currently only available on Amazon**

Is the content based on research, personal experience, or a combination of both?

The content draws from a rich blend of research, the author's personal journey, and insights gained from working with individuals across various backgrounds, ensuring a well-rounded and impactful perspective.

What topics or chapters does the book cover?

The book covers a wide range of topics, including discovering your purpose, aligning with your passions, overcoming obstacles, and practical strategies for integrating purpose into your career and personal life.

Is there a specific timeframe in which I can expect results or changes in my life?

Results may vary, but many readers report noticeable shifts within weeks of implementing the book's principles. The key is consistent application of the actionable steps outlined.

How can I connect with the author or community for ongoing support?

Connect with Jaye via email at and join our vibrant online community on The Purpose Pad site and engage with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support.

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